Most of us like wearing T-shirts because they are comfortable and the best option mainly in summer because of the hot weather.The T-shirt evolved from undergarments used in the 19th century and were adopted by miners and stevedores as a convenient covering for hot environments; it was worn under a uniform but soon sailors removed their uniforms to wear only the undershirt.Now T-shirts are worn frequently as the only piece of clothing on the top half of the body. They became popular because they were
easily fitted, easily cleaned, and inexpensive, and for this reason it became the shirt of choice for young boys. The T-shirt was even more common when
Marlon Brando wore one in
A Streetcar Named Desire, finally achieving status as fashionable, stand-alone, outer-wear garments.In the late 1960s they became a medium for self-expression and advertising, with any imaginable combination of words, art, and even photographs on display. Nowadays T-shirts are a great part of any wardrobe. They're comfortable to wear and allow us to express our moods, interests and unique personalities. If you want...let´s see some designs.

Quizás no sepas que la camiseta como tal surgió a partir de la ropa interior de mineros y estibadores que en el siglo XIX la utilizaban para aislarse del calor en su trabajo. Fueron los soldados y marineros los que decidieron utilizarla sola y así ha seguido hasta ahora, como una prenda de vestir barata, fácil de lavar y poner, abundante en nuestro armario y con diseños que expresan nuestros intereses y personalidades. ¿Tienes ya tu camiseta favorita? Busca que seguro que encuentras más de una.
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