10 agosto 2009

August...still enjoy it!... Agosto...¡Disfrútalo!

As in other months, let´s have a look at August: its gemstone is the agate and its flower is the gladiolus.
August is the eighth month of the year and the sixth month of
the Roman calendar. The Romans called the month Sextilis, which means sixth. Eight years before Jesus was born the name of the month was changed to Augustus in honour of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar, because many of the important events in his life happened around that time of year.The Anglo-Saxons called it Weod monath, which means Weed month, because it is the month when weeds and other plants grow most rapidly.
August is the busiest time for tourism, as it falls in the main school holiday of the year, the summer holidays, which lasts for six weeks for state run schools.
1st August is Lammas Day, and was Thanksgiving time (Harvest time) in Britain. The name comes from an Anglo-Saxon word Hlafmaesse which means Loaf Mass. The festival of Lammas marks the beginning of the harvest, when people go to church to give thanks for the first corn to be cut. This celebration predates our Christian harvest festival.The custom ended when Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church.
A number of cultural festivals are held in August:
Edinburgh Festival in Scotland, dating from 1947 is primarily a celebration of the performing arts, with live concerts, plays, ballets, operas and other shows.
Notting Hill Carnival, held on the Summer Bank Holiday, the last Monday in August. It features a colourful procession, elaborate and extravagant costumes, and the music of many steel bands. The carnival originated in the mid 1960s as a way of celebrating and maintaining the cultural traditions of the Caribbean immigrants who live in and around the Notting Hill area.
The First World War. August 1914 – 11th November 1918
Great Train Robbery
The Model T Ford, known as the Tin Lizzie and the first mass-produced car, went on sale in 1908.
The first communications Satellite, Echo 1, was launched in 1960 from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
Josef Jakob, a German spy during World War II, is the last person to be executed at the Tower of London. (1941)

¿Qué sabes de Agosto? Su piedra preciosa es el ágata y su flor el gladiolo.
Los romanos llamaron a este mes Agosto en honor de Cèsar Augusto. Este mes es por excelencia el de las vacaciones y festivales culturales como el de Edimburgo o el carnaval de Notting Hill se celebran en este mes. Respecto a los aniversarios en Agosto comenzó la Primera Guerra Mundial, Ford sacó al mercado el modelo T o el espía alemán de la segunda Guerra Mundial, Jakof , fue la última persona ejecutada en la torre de Londres...Y no quiero ser gafe, pero recuerda que el tiempo pasa y los exámenes de Septiembre se acercan: estudia un poco todos los días.

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