01 marzo 2011

The King's Speech

Probably you have seen this film that got three Oscars from the Academy; perhaps you know that it deals with an English Prince or maybe you don´t know anything about the film. Well, the film tells the story of Prince Albert (Bertie to his nearest and dearest), the second son of King George V, who suffers from a devastating speech impediment which makes his public duties as a prince next to impossible. After a succession of ineffective treatments from a score of physicians, his wife turns in desperation to an unorthodox Australian therapist, Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). After a bumpy start, Bertie begins to make some progress but when his father dies and his brother Edward (Guy Pearce) abdicates in order to marry Wallis Simpson, he’s faced with the prospect of becoming King and with the storm clouds of war looming on the horizon, it will be up to him to deliver a crucial speech to the nation. Take a look at the official site and learn more things about the cast, the director...

Después de la muerte de su padre, el rey Jorge V, y tras la abdicación de su hermano Eduardo VIII, el tartamundo Bertie asciende de pronto al trono como Jorge VI de Inglaterra: ésta es la historia con ribetes de drama que cerró el domingo un año de oro con el Oscar: se enfoca en las intimidades de la familia real británica, pero en ningún caso puede definirse como una pieza histórica sobre la situación de Gran Bretaña antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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