05 febrero 2011

Roger Casement and Vargas Llosa.

Through his book, "El sueño del celta", Vargas Llosa approaches the world of an Ireland that dreams of its independence from the British Empire leaning on Roger Casement, an Irish patriot, poet, revolutionary, and nationalist. Sir Roger was a British consul famous for his reports and activities against human rights abuses in the Congo and Peru but better known for his dealings with Germany before Ireland's Easter Rising in 1916. His consular investigation into atrocities in the Congo led Casement to anti-Imperialist and ultimately to Irish Republican and separatist political opinions: he was executed for treason and stripped of his British honours. Among others, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Bernard Shaw or Yeats pleaded for clemency. Reading this book is a good exercise to understand how abuses made by our former friends lead us to become into enemies.
Click on the photo to discover more about Roger Casement.

Mario Vargas Llosa explora en su libro "El sueño del celta" la transformación antibritánica de Roger Casement, diplomático irlandés que sirvió a las órdenes del imperio británico denunciando los abusos del sistema colonial en el Congo y en el Perú. Ser consciente de estos abusos de los que formaba también parte Inglaterra hicieron que renaciese en él un sentimiento anti-invasor dedicando los últimos años de su vida a militar activamente en la causa del nacionalismo irlandés, hasta que fue ejecutado como traidor a la Corona Británica.

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