05 noviembre 2014

Bonfire Night and V de Vendetta

Guy Fawkes' moustached face has been adopted as a mask by anti capitalists, but what is behind it?

Remember, remember the fifth of November... In 1605 Guy Fawkes plotted to destroy the Houses of Parliament killing everybody inside including the King. Have a look at this link to remember or to discover this part of the English history.
 activities .
The film V de Vendetta took Guy Fawkes´ face for Anonymous character; look at this vendetta link for more information.

El cinco de noviembre de 1605 Guy Fawkes conspiró para volar el Parlamento, en la conocida como conspiración de la pólvora. No lo consiguió y ésto  dio lugar a la celebración del fracaso del atentado en la conocida  Bonfire Night en la que se hacen hogueras quemando un muñeco que representa a Guy Fawkes.

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