28 abril 2014

MGM Anniversary...el león de la Metro cumple años

The film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) has launched a promotional campaign that will take place during 2014 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of its founding in April 1924. 

MGM, which at that time came from the merger of Metro Pictures and Goldwyn Pictures celebrates its birthday as a reorganized company after a management crisis that forced the veteran lion famous study into bankruptcy in November 2010. Since its creation , MGM has received over 175 awards from the Academy Awards, including 14 Oscar for best films. To begin the celebrations of his 90th birthday, MGM took a lion until today's Chinese Theatre Hollywood, which was immortalized in the cement feline footprint, a ceremony attended by the actor Sylvester Stallone, whose saga "Rocky" is one of filmography values ​​of  the studio. If you are interested, MGM has also launched this commemorative blog, has created a history book for collectors and conducted a memorial trailer released on Youtube.

El león de la Metro cumple 90 años de rugidos y durante todo este año se celebran actos conmemorándolo. Entre los más curiosos, el león puso su felina huella en el cemento Hollywoodiense acompañado, entre otros de Sylvester Stallone.

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