It is an old thesis. Fascinated him famous, unknown and charlatans. Theory is called
Oxford and poses, like several others, that the man known as William Shakespeare did not create any of the works attributed to him. By contrast, according to this postulate, Shakespeare was in fact a second-rate actor with a reputation for lush village that served only the interests of a noble. The nobleman in question, the Earl of Oxford, would have been the real responsible for the most important theatrical creations in history. Although studies on the more orthodox English dramatist not give any credence to this view, history
is used to weave a Hollywood script.From Shakespeare's home country have been even more angry voices on this film. In the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, birthplace of the author of Hamlet, the villagers decided to delete all the traffic signals which is inscribed the name of Shakespeare and also cover the inscription reminds the pub where it is believed he took his last drink. It is a sort of protest to suggest:
"What would happen if Shakespeare we know does not exist?".Prince Charles himself, as president of the Royal Shakespeare Company, has also joined the campaign against the theory that Emmerich's film offers. But it is always interesting watching this political thriller
Anonymous advancing the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare's plays; it is set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her.
Director: Roland Emmerich
Writer: John Orloff
Stars: Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave and David Thewlis
Emmerich entra por segunda vez en el drama histórico pero sus fuentes de inspiración han provocado discusión, ira y descrédito entre los especialistas en Shakespeare y los historiadores provocando que las teorías conspirativas sobre Shakespeare estén más de moda que nunca. Anonymous parte con la siguiente expresión: "¿Qué pasaría si les dijera que Shakespeare nunca escribió una sola frase? En la trama, el conde -cuyo nombre de pila era Edward de Vere y es encarnado por el actor Rhys Ifans- se mueve en las altas esferas de la corte de la reina Isabel I. Venía escribiendo teatro desde la prodigiosa edad de los ocho años y una de sus primeras obras fue Sueño de una noche verano. La película lo muestra, además, como el hijo ilegítimo de la reina Isabel I (Vanessa Redgrave), con quien tiene luego relaciones incestuosas. La mala fama del teatro en esos años le hicieron desentenderse de la autoría de las obras y optó por dársela a un actor de apellido Shakespeare. La controversia está servida pero no es la primera, ni probablemente será la última.
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