Advertising is a form of communication to
persuade an audience –viewers, readers or listeners- to buy products or services. Papyrus was used by Egyptians to make sales as well as in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall and rock painting for commercial advertising is present in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America. Furthermore the tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings.
MORE ▼ In the 17th century advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in England, and during the 19th century, advertising grew as the economy expanded. We know that advertisements include the name of a product and are paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media such as newspapers, television, radio, mail…and nowadays websites and text messages through mobile phones. Cute advertisements make us think, laugh… and perhaps you haven´t realized but most original advertisements deal with …toilets! Didn´t you know?
Have a look!
La publicidad es una forma de persuadirnos para comprar algo a través de la televisión, radio, periódicos, páginas web o incluso mensajes de texto. Pero la publicidad no es nueva ya que la usaban los egipcios, griegos e incluso los indios. Hay campañas publicitarias ingeniosas que nos hacen reir, y si no lo crees, presta atención a estos anuncios.
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