20 agosto 2010

The Tudors on TV...Los Tudor en televisión.

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We are watching this summer this new television series, and it´s a good chance to have a look at the most famous King of England, Henry VIII. The BBC/Showtime co-production is not new, it was broadcasted in 2007, and Jonathan_Rhys-Meyers starred on it and was nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television Drama in 2007 for the role. Perhaps you Know him because he is the face of Hugo Boss' newest fragrance, HUGO Element. Meyers hasn´t had an easy life: he has problems with his alcohol addiction and has been arrested twice. But if you want to know more about this Irish actor visit this link.

Actualmente estamos viendo una serie de televisión británica, "Los Tudor", centrada en la turbulenta fase histórica del reinado de Enrique VIII. Es una buena ocasión para refrescar tus conocimientos y si quieres seguir la serie en versión original subtitulada en español puedes hacerlo online ... merece la pena. Su protagonista es Jonathan Rhys Meyers, actor irlandés nominado como mejor actor por su papel como Enrique. Disfruta de la serie y de su atractivo protagonista, aunque hay buenos actores como Sam Neill o el fantástico Peter O´Toole, una leyenda irlandesa a quien quizás no conozcas.

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