13 abril 2010

Welcome April ...Bienvenido Abril.

Perhaps you don`t know that April gemstone is the diamond and its flower is the Sweet Pea. Its name may have come from the Latin word 'aperire' which means 'to open'.
Eastremonath was the Anglo-Saxon name for the month. Various April dates are called 'Cuckoo Day ' and some places hold 'Cuckoo Fairs' to celebrate the arrival of spring, when we begin to see this kind of birds; the swallow makes its reappearance during April too.
Traditions and Festivals: Easter usually comes in the month of April. April Fool's Day begins on the first of April and it´s a day of fun and jokes kept for hundred of years. The 1st Sunday in April is called Daffodil Sunday: In Victorian times families picked daffodils from their gardens and took them to local hospitals to give to the sick. 19 April was celebrated as Primrose Day in memory of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, who died on this day in 1881. The 23rd April is St. George’s Day . St. George is the Patron Saint of England, also of Scouting and it´s England National Day MORE ▼

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