The word 'March' comes from the Roman 'Martius'. This was
originally the first month of the Roman calendar and was named after
Mars, the god of war.The Anglo-Saxons called the month "Hlyd monath" which means Stormy month. One of the flowers most associated with March is the narcissus -Wild daffodil-, named after the boy in Greek mythology, who was changed into a flower. Narcissus is also known as Lent Lily because it blooms in early spring and the blooms usually dropping before Easter. It is the main daffodil species of Britain.
MORE ▼Festivals and Traditions: During this month are celebrated St David's Day - Patron Saint of Wales-, Mothers Day (3 weeks before Easter), St Patrick's Day - Patron Saint of Ireland-, Lady Day, Palm Day (this special day marks the beginning of Holy Week when we remember Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem and the waving of palm branches)and Oranges and Lemons.
Anniversaries:English football league formed in 1888. In 1891 goal nets were used for the first time in English football.These days there are too the anniversary of the first daily weather forecast, the opening of Heathrow Airport...
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El mes de marzo debe su nombre al dios romano de la guerra Marte; los anglosajones lo lllamaron el mes de las tormentas. Su flor característica es el narciso. Los días más celebrados en este mes son el de San Patricio, San David, el día de la madre, el domingo de Ramos...Hay otras celebraciones que quizás no conozcas como Lady Day o Oranges and Lemons. Si quieres saber algo más sobre ellas pincha en las imágenes-enlace. Entre los aniversarios destacamos la formación de la liga nacional inglesa de fútbol, la inauguración del aeropuerto de Heathrow... 
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