is the sapphire and its flower is the aster. The name September comes from the old Roman word 'septem', which means seven, because in the Roman calendar it was the seventh month. The Anglo-Saxons called it Gerst monath (Barley month), because it was their time when they harvested barley to be made into their favourite drink - barley brew. They also called it Haefest monath, or Harvest month. The Romans believed that the month of September was looked after by the god, Vulcan. As the god of the fire and forge they therefore expected September to be associated with fires, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. September is the start of the school year. Students return to school after the six week summer holiday. Festivals and Traditions: Traditionally 24th September was the day on which harvesting began in medieval England. Michaelmas Day is the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, celebrated on |
29 September. St. Michael is the patron saint of the sea and maritime lands, of ships and boatmen, of horses and horsemen. He was the Angel who hurled Lucifer (the devil) down from Heaven for his treachery.Michaelmas Day is traditionally the last day of the harvest season. A Great custom in England was to dine on goose on Michaelmas. One reason for this was said to be that Queen Elizabeth I was eating goose when news of the defeat of the Armada was brought to her. In celebration she said that henceforth she would always eat goose on Michaelmas Day. Others then followed her lead.
Anniversaries: The Great Fire of London raged for four days - destroying more than 13,000 houses and almost 100 churches - including St Paul's Cathedral. A total of 6 people are killed.William the Conqueror died and Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. |
Septiembre ya está aquí y se identifica con el zafiro y las margaritas. En el calendario romano era el séptimo mes pero los anglo-sajones lo llamaron el mes de la cebada porque es cuando ésta se recolectaba. Septiembre se relacionaba con los terremotos, incendios... pues estaba regido por el dios romano Vulcano. Respecto a sus tradiciones, Septiembre era el mes de la recolecciòn, de los mares debido a su patrón, el arcángel San Miguel y es costumbre cenar ganso debido a que la reina Isabel I se encontraba cenando ganso cuando le comunicaron la derrota de la Armada Invencible española. Entre los aniversarios de Septiembre se encuentran el gran incendio de Londres que destruyó la catedral de San Pablo, la muerte de Guillermo el Conquistador o el descubrimiento de la penicilina por Fleming.
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