15 septiembre 2019

19 mayo 2019

Practise your listening

Watch The Spanisn Princess and remember the history of Spain and England listening carefully to it. Enjoy yourself!

14 febrero 2017

World Radio Day. Día Internacional de la radio

13 February is World Radio Day,a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves. Radio is the mass media reaching the wides audience in the world. It is also recognised as a powerful communication tool and a low cost medium.

12 febrero 2017

Too much work last year...I´m here again. De nuevo aquí

I was too busy last year and published only in another of my blogs, for my pupils. Now I´ll try not to give up and go on writing. So have a look at this link to know what happened in the United Kingdom last 2016. Tras casi un año sin publicar en este blog, echa un vistazo a las imágenes del enlace de modo que puedas recordar lo ocurrido en Gran Bretaña el pasado año.

11 enero 2016

David Bowie dies. Muere David Bowie

David Bowie, the chamaleon rock legend, has died aged 69 after battling cancer in secret during 18 months. His last video shows him in a hospital bed while singing "I´m in heaven"... a premonition of his death? David was a pop genius, a perennial rebel who sent the message "be strong enough to be yourself". Personally I was a fan and I´m very sad to hear of his death. David Bowie, your spirit will live forever.

08 diciembre 2015

Which social group do yo belong to?

Read the article from this British newspaper and think about it.

20 octubre 2015

100 Anniversary of Arthur Miller's birth

Considered one of the best America's playwrights of 20th century, he was born on 17 October 1915 in New York. Probably he is well known because he married Marilyn Monroe but Arthur Miller is more important for his work: he explored the issue that plagued the American society in early 20th century and through his best playwrights, "Death of a Salesman", "The Crucible" and "All my sons" he deconstructed the idea of the American Dream, class and race. El pasado 17 de octubre se celebró el centenario de la muerte de uno de los escritores americanos más importantes: Arthur Miller, autor que le dió la vuelta al sueño americano y a las ideas de clase y raza de la sociedad americana.

03 agosto 2015

Latest news...Ultimas noticias

After having a holiday break, these are the most important news in my opinion: let´s have a look!
                                                                     Is this Anne Boleyn's ghost?
A tourist who was visiting the childhood home of the beheaded queen, Hever Castle, captured a spooky image of what he claims is her ghost and in the photo we can see a hand with a long finger pointing towards the chimmney and the tourist thought there is something important historically inside the fireplace. Look at the photos and think about the building that Anne haunts.
Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain's longest-reigning Monarch: 

Her Majesty became queen at 25 and at 89, she had ruled for 23,226 days. The first Queen Elizabeth gave her name to an age, as did Victoria, in an ever more powerful kingdom. But this is not going to be the legacy of this Elizabeth, who has reigned over Britain's long transition from Empire to Commonwealth, from world power to relative international insignificance.

10 mayo 2015

A new Princess for the British...Nueva princesita inglesa

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambrigde, gave birth  on Saturday May 2 to a baby girl whose name will be Charlotte Elizabeth Diana...but will she rule England one day? Of course she will because the sixteen countries belonging to the Commonwealth agreed on abandoning male preference on succession. Moreover, Roman Catholics are excluded no more. This happened in 2011 so the new little princess takes number 4 for succession to the British Throne. If you are interested, click on succession.

Los británicos ya tienen nueva princesita: el matrimonio entre Guillerno y Kate, en abril de 2011, puso sobre la mesa el tema de la sucesión al trono de Inglaterra, ya que hasta entonces, cualquier hija nacida del duque y la duquesa de Cambrigde no habría disfrutado del derecho al trono. Así pues los líderes de los 16 países de la Commonwealth, cuya jefa de estado es la reina Isabel II, acordaron la igualdad de los derechos al trono para hijos e hijas de los monarcas británicos, así como el derecho a contraer matrimonio con alguien católico romano, algo que no estaba permitido. Para más información pincha en este enlace.
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