30 enero 2010

J. D. Salinger has died...Murió Salinger(1919-2010)

It´s possible that you haven´t heard about Salinger before,

but in the world of English literature he was a successful writer mainly known by The Catcher in the Rye, a novel about teenagers which has been both the most frequently censored book across the American nation and the second-most frequently taught novel in public high schools.If you are interested in studying English Philology or just in reading, you shouldn´t miss this book, an indispensable manual for seventeen-year-old teenagers. For more information about Salinger visit these websites: Wikipedia, Listening (in Spanish), USA Today News and The Mirror.uk

Quizás nunca hayas oído hablar de Salinger, pero todos los que hemos estudiado Filología Inglesa lo hemos estudiado y por supuesto hemos leído su novela más famosa, El guardián entre el centeno,manual donde los haya para los diecisieteañeros. Si estás interesado en la literatura deberías leerlo no sin antes saber que El guardián entre el centeno es el libro más leído por los adolescentes americanos seguido de De ratones y hombres de Steinbeck.

25 enero 2010

Sherlock Holmes : the film...Sherlock, la película



11 enero 2010

January came....Llegó Enero!

January means the beginning of the new year and the time to make New Year resolutions such as giving up smoking or

practising sports.Its gemstone is the Garnet and its flower the Carnation.
January was established as the first month of the year by the Roman Calendar, and it was named after the god Janus who has two faces which allow him to look backwards into the old year and forwards into the new one at the same time.The Anglo-Saxons called it Wolf monath because wolves came into the villages in winter looking for food.MORE ▼